Saturday Morning Fun~

I love Saturday mornings.  The sun rise, the lazy feeling of not having to work that day, the sheer joy that I get to spend time with my family.

This Saturday, I had so much fun with a little one-year old boy named Everett. We played, ran, jumped. He was so amazed with every little thing, especially the birds at Encanto Park. Every time he saw something interesting, he's say "ooh".  Sitting still was not an option. He was up and moving from the time his Aunt put him down.

I really did learn something from this vivacious little boy. We as adults forget the beauty of life and everything around us. Because of him, I am trying to remember the beauty of my surroundings and once in a blue moon, if something interests me, I might even say "ooh".

Live Life Hard.
Love Life Always.


  1. Such a tough age to capture, but their spirit is refreshing! Great job!

  2. Yes he was a challenge, but we had so much fun:) Thank you Jessica:)
